Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Journey

Hello and welcome to my world. Maybe some of you will wonder what is this blog is all about. Well its all about everything. From movies, music, books, our hobbies, our likes and dislikes. Things we do but would take for granted. Things we don't usually do and things we wish we did. Our life is like a two way street with lots of obstacle on the way. And we need to drive our own car. In our life we need to feel like where on a car race. That we need a fast car with genuine parts and accessories so that we can be first at the finish line. We have to be not only a good driver but a great driver. For it is us who is on the wheel of our life. We always need to be cautions on which path to choice. And we ever we choice one we always hope that it will be the right way and not a dead end. It will be fun to write about anything that goes under the sun. The ups and downs of the life we choice. Ever wonder why sometimes we are too busy looking at our way we seems to notice there's something on our shoestring and we didn't even notice it. Best things are sometimes just under our nose and sometimes we forgot to look closer first before looking farther away. I hope you join me in my journey. A journey to this path i am driving. Be seated at the passenger seat buckle up and enjoy the ride.